CFO Management Services
- We assists MNC, coming to India in strategic planning and management of their affairs as temporary CFO/CEO India during initial set up as per requirement.
- We assists foreign corporates in CEO/CFO/Directors/ Sr Top executive search and recruitments.
- Complete establishment with all legal compliances and all level recruitments as per client,s need, one years initial special set up services including contracts/agreements with venders as per requirement of client.
- Finance arrangement and management as Virtual CFO in India.
- Authorised signatories facilities can be provided to facilitate client,s business in India.
- Strategic growth plan and assistance in implementation for desired results.
- Assistance in getting Sr professionals - Full time/part time CFO/CEO in India
- Assists International accounting Firms / financial consultants /project consultants, Bankers as CFO/CEO in India on behalf of their clients in India. Normally we takes two to five weeks in entire selection process of top position for reputed global groups.
- Assistance in External commercial borrowings(ECB) from foreign Bankers/Financial Institutions/Private sources.
- Foreign Investors looking for financial / Technical joint-ventures in India in IT and Non IT corporates may write for joint-ventures, partner search, Due dilligence,
- Indian CFO search for global corporate, we assist global corporate in their search of Indian CFO for India and CFO for corporate offices abroad. We provide CFO search for requirements in Asea and Europe.
- Our Outsourced CFO controllership services assists new foreign small and medium size corporate in planning and organising their finance and other resources efficiently at best affordable prices of Finance Manager.
- Our Outsourced CFO consulting services assists CFO/CEO/Directors abroad in all their planning and management functions and will keep in touch with clients regularly on daily, weekly bases as per requirement, we manage and deal with Banks and Financial Institutions in India on behalf of clients.
- CFO/COO recruitments /search : we assists top management in their search for top management for the organisation, for some time we also helps client and candidate during transition period to ensure that client work is taken cared well and organisation is not without head of department (HOD), This is our exclusive search of CFO/COO for particular MNC client , Interviews and search of top professional is our continous process. After understanding requirement of clients and candidate we depute one final selectable candidate fit for the clients. Our this CFO/COO selection process helps clients and candidate to save their time and puts additional responsibilities on us to match the requirement perfectly. We provide limited selectable profiles which otherwise and normally will not be seen on any job portals.
- Our Outsourced CFO consulting services assists CFO/CEO/Directors abroad in all their planning and management functions and will keep in touch with clients regularly on daily, weekly bases as per requirement, we manage and deal with Banks and Financial Institutions in India on behalf of clients.